Jamaliah of Malaysia was one of two AIF Scholarship winners in 2009. Her work during her first year at Curtin University was of such a high standard that she was selected to undertake an Honours degree.

On her return to Kuala Lumpur at the end of 2010, she was assigned to the Training Management Division of the Ministry of Health, Malaysia Headquarters. She is now a Senior Assistant Secretary responsible for co-ordinating curriculum development for Allied Health (including Nursing) courses at the Advanced Diploma level. She is also now studying part -time for a Master in Education which will be completed in 2015 at the Malaysia National University.
Jamaliah regards the opportunities that the AIF Scholarship as contributing a great deal to her achievements. He said, ‘ I am really grateful. Being cared for in my academic and personal life by mentors was an unforgettable experience. The experiences gained have become my strengths now. For example, my sharpened high order thinking skills are vital for performing my current role in which I have to deal with various levels of stakeholders at the national level’.
Jamaliah is awaiting the results of the next grade promotion at the end of 2014.